If only thoughts

Dear Brooke
Feel a little lazy asking you this, cos I suspect I should try to work it out myself. But I am struggling with “If Only” thinking around my weight and not having lost weight since last year. It’s my birthday soon and I am 10kgs heavier than I was last year on my birthday! Stuck in a diet – binge cycle for years now, so I have probably fluctuated significantly in that time, but wasn’t weighing myself. Anyway, now I have weighed myself. And it’s not pretty.

Suffice to say, I am full of beating myself up thinking. My main thought is: “If only I had done the work and lost weight by now” and “If only I hadn’t wasted time”. I am feeling like there isn’t time to lose weight because I am starting IVF shortly and my doctor told me not to lose weight once I have begun the process.

Thank you if you can help me.