Ignoring my almost 3yo

So I have the most adorable almost 3yo, Isaiah, ever, and I don’t like him most of the time. I’m irritated at all the little toddler things he does (being loud, disruptive, talking in an intentionally baby voice…the list goes on). And I ignore the bad behavior, which really means ignoring him, making the problem worse. I just had a baby 3 months ago, and he needs more attention than I can give him right now. With his two older brothers, we would sit on the couch for hours at a time, reading picture books, taking walks at their toddler pace, but I feel like I’m constantly rushing Isaiah…and he’s not really getting any of the precious toddler time with me.

So anything he does that I find slightly irksome, I ignore it, ignore him, just tell him “no,” “don’t touch,” “be quiet.” If he were an only child, I wouldn’t be saying any of those things nearly so much because he wouldn’t be interrupting anything. He’d have so much more time to explore and for me to just BE with him because there wouldn’t be any conflicting needs/wants (Ex. reading aloud history to my oldest vs. Isaiah playing loudly with cars).

I feel like I’m constantly telling Isaiah to just not be 2. And I’m missing out on so much with him.