I’m way behind.

I joined SCS in late July and began in August. I love all of your programs and feel like this is truly life changing.
But I am so far behind. My biggest issue is drinking and I have not stopped over drinking AT ALL and in fact I continue to go way overboard and then proceed to act like an idiot.
I made a decision to do everything you tell me (through your programs) to do and yet, I don’t.
I feel a bit overwhelmed with fitting it all in but that is just an excuse.
I listen to all of the calls and want to participate in a Live Coaching but I haven’t.
Do people find the pieces eventually fall into place?
Should I back up and take one program at a time – starting with the Stop Overdrinking?
This is a huge priority for me but I am failing. I don’t want to fail here.
I know that if I can get control over my buffering, my life will be exponentially better.
I know this and yet, I still buffer.
What gives!
I feel like your answer is going to be something like, “yeah sister, you gotta do the work.”