Impossible Goal and Time

My impossible goal is to make 100k in 2021. My 25 fails for Q1 is a list of mini results that I think will bring me closer to my goal. Since I run my own business, I already have pretty full days of things I do to keep my business going (content creation, social media, customer service, etc.). I am trying to plan out my 25 fails by putting them on the calendar (I’ve done Brooke’s calendaring process before and love it) but my mind is coming up with a lot of drama about how I don’t have time to keep my business going AND work on my impossible goal (even though they are inextricably linked 😉 When I look at my list of 25 fails (mini results) that I want to produce by March 31st, I get so overwhelmed and don’t know how they can fit on my calendar. Do you have any advice for me?