impossible goal + monthly work

Question on balancing the thought work on the impossible goal I set for this work + the monthly work. How do you suggest I balance them? I decided to spend January catching up on December’s work, and doing daily thought downloads on my impossible goal. I like the idea of continuing to do daily thought downloads + models on my impossible goal — I feel it keeps me aligned, and my thinking clear and on task. However it feels like a bit much to continue doing it daily alongside the monthly work. Also, this month’s work seems to be similar to impossible goal work, since it’s about making ideas a reality.

My questions are — what is the suggestion / advice about continued thought work on the impossible goal? What is the best way to keep myself mentally focused and on task consistently for the whole year? This month’s work feels similar — and I don’t want to overwhelm my thinking and action plans by trying to make too many ideas a reality at once — should I simply stay with my impossible goal, or create another smaller goal for this month’s work?
