Impossible/Possible Goal

My big goal for this year is to make 100k.
I’m working as a coach for an organization and have my own business, too.
My business has existed for 9 years and I have had less than 10 clients in all those years. Now, I have created a niche and a new offer that I really like. I’m quite sure that I can reach my goal.

I’m struggling with believing that I can reach it this year, seeing all the evidence from my past and doing the math about how many clients I need to create (more than 30).

This is my model right now:
C: Goal 100k
T: 100k is mine, but maybe not this year
F: Discouraged
A: Looking to past for proof. Comparing with what I did in regard to marketing. Dismissing money from organization. Doubting my abilities. Not showing up and make offers.
R: Make it harder for me to reach goal this year.

I’m aware that this model is not very helpful. My brain has a hard time to open up for another possibility.
Any help?