Intense, out of the blue, anxiety

For most of September I have been plagued by intense, out of the blue, anxiety. It happens in the middle of the night, first thing in the morning and any other damn time of the day it feels like popping up. I am making huge strides on everything in my life right now (weight loss, September goal, work, personal relationships etc) – but this anxiety is like a big wet blanket; a bit of a kill joy. Could you please review my UIM and IM and let me know what else I can do?

C: Out of nowhere anxiety sneak attack.
T: Something is terribly wrong and I need to stop what I’m doing right now!
F: Terrified
A: I put the brakes on my progress.
R: I eventually come to a stop.

C: Ninja-like anxiety
T: This is normal; nothing is wrong here, this too shall pass.
F: Accepting
A: Deep breaths and keep taking my planned action steps regardless of the anxiety pit in my stomach.
R: Everything turns out fine as time passes.

Jenny L.