Intentional Model for Weight Loss

I’ve been working on a model around weight loss. Here it is:

C – I weigh 11 stone 8, a stone more than last time I weighed myself.
T – I can’t motivate myself to lose weight, I am lazy.
F – Tired. Frustrated. Negative Self-Judgement.
A – I don’t look for ways to motivate myself. I feel tired and bored and I overeat and don’t exercise. I feel even more defeated.
R – I don’t try and I continue to put on weight.

I’m working on an intentional model. Here’s where I’ve got to:

C – I weigh 11 stone 8, a stone more than last time I weighed myself.
T –
F – Motivated to lose weight.
A – I take action by eating less, cutting out sugar and exercising more.
R – I start to lose weight and feel more energetic and in control.

I’m finding it hard to come up with an intentional thought that I can believe that will result in me feeling more motivated to do something about it. So far I have come up with – I can lose weight. I am worth looking after. I’m going to feel better about myself. But none of these give me the feeling of motivation. What kind of thought might be believable but motivating too?