Investment Regret

A decade ago I considered buying a house but decided not to because I considered it too expensive. Now I can’t stop thinking about it.
I did set finding an investment property as a goal for the year but now I’m second guessing it as it doesn’t align with my real priorities of growing my business and spending time with family but the regret of not doing it a decade ago still haunts me.

My model 10 years ago:
C: a duplex for sale
T: too expensive, i don’t want to be a landlord, my priority is my personal life and my business
A; don’t buy
R: Focused on my priorities at the time

My model now is:
C:Real Estate has doubled in value since then
T: my priororities haven’t changed but how can I have missed out on such an opportunity
F: Regret
A: frantically search for properties to invest in
R: spend lots of time looking at real estate and not focusing on my priorities?

What do you think?