(Jessica) Part of time management?

Hi! I love time management! Nothing like a great schedule to go along with a day! What I am finding this month is all the things that don’t work for me. I have a running list of stuff that works in my schedule that serves me and things I FEEL should be in my schedule to prove massive action but don’t serve me. Then I wonder, when I say they don’t serve me is it an excuse? More thought work! Part of my massive action is the last 10lbs so i joined Group personal training. Well this was a great idea unless it is a town over and on the night you usually have date night. Half way through I realized I should write it down and never do that to myself again! I will recoup the money I spent, let them know I am not coming back and amp up my home work outs that I prefer! Instead of beating myself up about it I considered it a time management lesson learned. Or is this an excuse of not keeping my commitments? I want to believe it is progress!