When I first read the June homework, I felt a lot of resistance. I didn’t want to push myself in that way! But I’ve done 3 dares so far and I see why this work is so important. Dare 1 – bought starbucks for the person behind me in the drive thru. Dare 2 – pulled over to the curb to give money to a homeless person. Dare 3 – wore heels out for errands and with my family (gorgeous Louboutins that have been sitting in my closet unworn). All of these have showed me that a lot of my fear comes from worrying what people think. Will the person at starbucks be embarassed that I paid for them or will the cashier think I’m annoying/weird? Will people in cars behind me get annoyed that I stopped to give the homeless person money or will he think I didn’t give him enough? Will people think I’m pretentious wearing sexy, expensive shoes to the grocery store, or will my mom think I’m frivolous for having those shoes, or will I look weird being taller than my husband? All of the thoughtwork on this chatter related to the dares has been so enlightening, and I already see how this work is key in increasing self-confidence. Yay June!