Law of attraction

Hi Brooke,

January has been such a mind blowing month so far with so many epiphanies. I think your homework video gave me a subtle shift in my mindset that changed everything for me. I knew it was important to do the work and apply but I think I was looking at the models as a way to practice what I was learning each month. But now I realize it’s the other way around. What I am learning is meant to help me do the models better… and my rate of growth is like 10 times faster that way

I’ve been coming across a lot of stuff about the law of attraction these days and I’m wondering to what extent you like to exercise it. It seems like you like to focus on what we can control…. our t,f,a,r…. and then put it out into the universe and be open to receiving knowing whatever you put out from a state of abundance will come back tenfold

In my mind this totally compliments the law of attraction. However I listened to this podcast where this woman seemed to take it to a whole different level. She talked about how she visualized her dream apartment and how magically she got her dream apartment with minimal effort because she spends 80% of her days doing gratitude journals and visualizing …. she also talks about how she doesn’t worry about money coming in… she just puts value out into the world and people just contact her etc….

She puts a huge emphasis on thoughts and feelings and not necessarily actions

I know there’s not necessarily a right or wrong way to do it but my question to you is – is there a benefit in choosing action when you could achieve the same result with minimal action and feel good all the time?

It seems like a different approach than our December homework where we visualized an impossible goal and then listed actions we commit to doing things even though our brains are freaked out.

I trust your wisdom as someone who has helped me create so much change in my life and who has also been doing this work for a long time so would love to know your take on it because I think it would help me to better understand the model

