Learning from emotional eating

I over ate Wednesday and Thursday, then went back on protocol on Friday. Today, my body teaching my mind to stay on protocol.

I had a stressful project I needed to deliver on Wednesday. I felt as though I was able to handle it ok. I was also pretty proud when it was complete. But I must have just wanted to feel relief when I chose to overeat. I found myself wanting to go backwards and take comfort in the eating. Thursday, my team went out to celebrate and I chose to overeat then too. My skin and stomach feels awful. I know this is the result of overeating.

I will have stressful events come up again in the future. I am so happy when on protocol and this actually took me by surprise. I want to be better prepared. As I write this, I am thinking that I may need to plan some other comfort activities when stress is more likely to happen. I don’t want to beat myself up, just learn a better method that won’t leave me feeling awful.