Life Coach Certification – Impossible Goal

Hello! I am considering making my impossible goal for 2021 to save up the tuition required to attend the Life Coach Certification training and to sign up for the next training available.

Also, do you think it’s too complicated to have the goal to be to do the daily homework from the workbooks (that be the minimum daily amount of self coaching) for 95% of the days of 2021, AND earn the $18,000 needed for tuition, AND enroll in the next open and available coaching track by Dec 31, 2021?

It feels like these three things are pretty different but all connected because I want to do a LOT of self-coaching before I try to learn how to better coach myself and begin to coach others, and the money saving.

I think I would definitely have a lot of self-limiting beliefs about not being good enough and beliefs about it being “impossible” for me to earn all all that money with my current part time job of $15 an hour that I may not be allowed to work once I am licensed as a nurse, especially if I want to earn all that money prior to the start of the program. It also sounds challenging in a good way because I will be in nursing school until August 2021 and then take the NCLEX national exam probably around a month afterwards.