Lost control

My son has recently turned 18, and is almost done with school – he has a couple exams and then he’s done!

He’s so lazy! Hasn’t really applied himself to his final year of school, does nothing at home unless he wants something or I lose my mind and yell at him!
I got home from my 5th day of 12 hours shifts at work and he’s cooking himself dinner. I ask about his day and try to chat but he’s not really interested. I asked how he went sorting the pool out, it’s his responsibility to maintain it and it’s gone green, he said he hasn’t done anything and he doesn’t know how. I said look it up on the internet or something and I get a mouthful.

I tried really hard not to over react and yell at him, I went for a shower and tried to talk to him again. I felt like he was being very dismissive and rude. I lost my head yelled at him and told him to get out of my house! I’m so mad at him and having terrible thoughts about not liking him. He’s my son and I love him but I don’t know how to manage myself to not react like this! I feel like I do pretty good with the rest of my life but he just presses my buttons and I lose it.

Please help.

Thank you