Manifesting illness

Hi Brooke,

I was wondering what your views are about manifesting illness. This question arose as I completed my model work this morning and came to the surprising F line. I thought my illness was a very negative factor in my life; but now I see how it is serving me.

Model 1
C Chronic medical condition for 2 years making sex physically impossible; my marriage dissolved
T Treatments not working so I’ll never have a man in my life again
F Safe [!!!]. Enjoying life on my own.
A Not looking for a man.
R Time and space to create my dreams

Model 2
C Chronic medical condition for 2 years making sex physically impossible
T I created this condition to extract myself from a marriage that was not serving me and to create space and freedom in my life.
F Empowered and free
A Implementing steps to create my dreams
R Successful life coach and artist
