March Homework – help with creating a new thought

Hello Brooke and Team,

I am working through the homework for March and am working on two new thoughts. The first thought I feel pretty clear and focused on. That thought is below:

“We (Marta and I) will build a $2mm EBITDA business that will bring mental and physical health and well being to others and grow our ability to have a positive impact on the world.”

I am also working on a second thought to help my day to day. I want to shift my day to day thoughts/feelings which more often focus on feeling less than and fearful of making a mistake. I have a leadership role in a company that has been acquired and there is a fair amount of pressure from private equity to reduce costs and for people to “make their mark.” My desire is to come to work centered, confident, open and feeling good enough (maybe that is my thought :)). I am having a difficult time trying to craft the sentence for this.

As an aside, the long-term plan is for me and Marta to focus on thought one full-time which will eventually shift me out of my current role. However, I believe it is important to clean up my current thinking so as to not carry it into my other business endeavors over time.

Appreciate your help.
