Married in 3 months? Perhaps!

Hi! I want to live in Modelthon land. This weekend was amazing. I’m the one you coached on losing weight/finding my future husband and you suggested I could make it happen versus waiting for him to ride in on a horse. I came home and signed up on a dating app, starting chatting with a guy I matched with and I just asked him out for coffee this weekend and he agreed. I feel giddy, not just about him and the date, but about myself and how I am following through with my goals because that’s what my future self said I did in order to find my hubbs and create the family I’ve been dreaming of since I was little. I’m becoming my future self now and allowing the how to show up. This is just the beginning and I’m so excited to see what I make happen next!

Thank you for everything! I’ll send you all wedding invitations soon. I’m just down the road in Austin. 🙂

Emily Rose