Missing the Podcast Segments from your Life Coach School Coaches

I did not catch an announcement about you ending the inclusion of a follow-up podcast from a Life Coach School coach following your weekly podcasts. I enjoyed the additional coaching segments and wondered why they ended and if you would reconsider bringing them back?

Also, I love, love, love the additional focus on weight loss with the weekly Q & A segments this month. Hope they continue for longer than July. I am a VIP who took a few months to really dig in to the material and now that I have I am rocking it! For the first time in years, I know I am going to finally be done with my life-long “battle” with my weight and body image. I’ve got the right tools and the right support and a personal confidence that I will do what needs to be done to reach my ideal weight and discover who I am without buffering.

And by the way, I really liked your black sundress with the white piping which you wore on Wednesday’s call. You can add “stunning” to the comments that you are beautiful!