Model Clarification

Hello! I was wondering if I could get some help on cleaning up my models and if my results on correct? Is there questions I can ask myself to get to the result?

C Dad Said “Your cousin lost her baby again and on the same date as she lost another baby a couple of years ago.”
T- A good family member would reach out to her when she is having a difficult time.
F- Guilt
A-spin in my thoughts, reach out but out of guilt, avoid reaching out
R- Making this about me??

C- Dad Says “”
T- I don’t know what to say.
F- confusion
A- avoid talking with her altogether
R- Not say anything??

C- Dad says “”
T- I don’t have words to make it okay, but I can just talk with her and listen.
F- connected
A- call her, listen
R- Connect with her

I’ve noticed myself avoiding calling her or chatting. I feel like I should call her because friends reach out, but that doesn’t feel authentic either. There is a part of me that wants to show up authentically and connect with her… but how??