Model on Compulsive Eating / How to Stop

Brooke, Thank you for your response to my morning Dare – admitting my half-ass-y commitment pattern to SCS and most other commitments I intend. I’m so grateful for the opportunity because it helped me see clearly that by not owning it , I was trying to manipulate myself into thinking there wasn’t a problem.

One thing that is really tripping me up in my eating protocol is that I am stuck on a model about over-eating in response to feelings.
Model 1:
C: Overeating to avoid feelings
T: This is too powerful (the urgency to eat, to get food in my mouth quickly and eat recklessly) and I can’t stop it.
F: Out of control, controlled by this urge. Helpless
A: I stand at my kitchen island speed-eating
R: Responding to more and more urges to overeat
The model above is what I *think* is happening. It’s happened most of my life but it has reared its ugly head again recently after a reprieve. I’m not sure how to identify what is actually happening to trigger it all. There is just this very powerful urge to overeat and the eating itself is so mechanical and obliterating that it’s always like, “What just happened?” when I finally do stop. Then I feel like crap about myself which just paves the way for another bout 🙁
I thought I’d use A: Leave the urge unanswered in the positive model but I’m just not sure how to actually do that. Maybe because I can’t identify something specific leading to it? Can you provide some assistance to me in how to better recognize the trigger thought/emotion – and more importantly, the steps to take to stop it before it starts? Thank you.