model feedback: not good with money

C Money in bank account.
T I don’t have enough money
F anxious
A Avoid spending money. Donate less. Keep my job.  Sometimes buffer (reading or shows, so wasting time rather than money)
R Maintain bank account balance but anxious about it.

This model didn’t seem to “work” quite as well in terms of result connecting with thought.

C I have specific assets. student loans. car loan.
T I’m not good with money
F anxious
A Avoid looking at credit card statements, avoid looking at account balance, avoid learning good financial management approach. Postponed refinancing student loans costing me more money in the long-run.
R create evidence for the thought I’m not good with money.

Intentional (but not believable)
C I have specific assets. student loans. car loan.
T I’m good at personal finance
F Confident
A Read up on financial strategies and implement them. Look for ways to save money and make more money.
R create evidence for thought I’m good at personal finance.

Intentional (believable)
C I have specific assets. student loans. car loan.
T Managing finances isn’t that difficult.
F Optimistic
A Start learning how to manage finances. Look for ways to save and make more.
R create evidence that financial management isn’t that hard.