Model for Self Confidence

I’m starting my 3rd month, I have a very hard time with C line, I was told by a coach to come here with my models. I wrote below my unintentional and intentional model. If you could give me some advice, that would be great. Thank you!
C- Working out a gym
T- I don’t want anyone to see that I am heavier, they will judge my legs and butt. Figure out a time when no one is there, which is almost never 🙂
F- uncomfortable
A- Wait until I loose some weight to go in the gym. Never go!
R- I don’t workout, I don’t loose weight and I don’t feel better

C-Working out @ gym
T- I am taking care of myself, doing something that benefits me, I have more energy.
F- I feel good working out, confident
A- Working out, I’m taking care of my body, loosing weight
R- My Clothes are fitting differently, I have more energy, loose weight.