Model help…

Hello coaches:

Looking for some guidance on this model. My objective is to do a thought download, model and work on a portion of a module daily. I have set aside an hour each morning to do this but I find when I sit down in the morning to do the thought download it takes a bit of time to get to the thoughts that are causing me problems and one’s I want to do a model on. I then work on the model for the day which I am getting better at as I do more of them but I still find myself getting a little panicked that I might not have enough time to be fully invested the way I think is needed to get the most benefit from this work. I want to be able to really practice the teachings in SCS and my brain is getting a bit wigged out that it takes me too long to do it every morning.

I think I have a couple of models running on this issue.

Model 1:
C: Daily thought download/model/module
T: I won’t have enough time to immerse myself the way I think it needs to learn this work
F: overwhelmed
A: do TD/Model/module reading daily, look at the clock, question myself whether this is a sustainable time commitment, feel pressured to complete tasks set out each day in time frame allowed
R: I spend time questioning if I have enough time???

Model 2:
C: Daily thought download/model/module
T: I don’t honor my commitments
F: disappointed
A: do TD/Model/module reading daily, question myself whether this is a sustainable time commitment, feel pressured to complete tasks set out each day in time frame allowed, make excuses if I don’t find the time to do what I’ve committed to doing, remind myself I’ve started things before that I haven’t completed, question my level of commitment

I am not sure if this is the result for this model. It certainly isn’t the result I’d like. My ideal result would be to relax into the process and not be fixated on completing A/B/C each day

Thanks as always for the support.