Model help on urges

Hi Brooke,
I’m enjoying writing the unintentional and intentional models each day.
My current protocol includes no flour and sugar. I’ve been disciplined about what I eat each day. Not planning the exact meal in advance, but planning the general makeup of each meal (meat, fat, veggies).
I have two questions. One is clarification of my model related to a recent experience on a long bus ride from a sports torunament with my son….
Unintentional Thought
C-My son did not eat the mozzarella sticks he requested and I ordered. I took off the breading and ate 3 of them.
T-I shouldn’t have eaten them. Even though technically it is not flour/sugar, it was a spontaneous decision as the result of an urge (they smelled delicious)
F-Disappointment in myself
A-Question myself as to if “I can do this”
R-Feel doubt. More likely to give in next time because I didn’t honor my commitment to myself?

Intentional Thought Pattern
C-My son did not eat the mozzarella sticks he requested and I ordered. I took off the breading and ate 3 of them.
T-I love the taste of mozzarella sticks but if I want to eat them I need to use my frontal lobe and plan 24 hours in advance.
F-Observant, relaxed
A-Be present, “feel the urge”? What else?
R-Dedicated to plan, long-term well-being

The second is clarification related to being present with an urge. What exactly are we supposed to do to do that? Journal about it? I find myself wanting to be present with it, instead of resisting it, but I’m not really clear on how to do that.

Thanks so much.