Model Practice — More on divorce

More has developed in the process of my divorce. Here are my TDL and models for today:

Husband said I am “high & mighty” when talking about divorce. I’ve been accused of this before. And that I am stubborn, unyielding. I’ve been opposed to this relationship since before it began (not constantly, of course). I suppose you could argue that I never LET it work because this is the story I’ve been telling myself nearly the whole time — that it can’t work. What I have believed, however, is that we don’t have a want-match. And I don’t want to be with someone who I want to be different than they are. I truly did learn a lot about myself through this relationship — I can be calm in the presence of someone else’s anger; housework isn’t as hard as I previously made it out to be; I like to be in charge of my home; I unknowingly pass judgement on others out of habit apparently, even though I strive for acceptance, understanding, and compassion; when something goes wrong, I immediately want to blame Husband for it.

C: I am divorcing Husband.
T: I’ve been opposed to this relationship since before it began.
F: justified
A: I act “high & mighty” about divorcing. I remind myself of all the things I don’t like about sharing my life with Husband.
R: I reject a relationship with Husband.

C: I am divorcing Husband.
T: It’s time for me to take my life in a different direction.
F: eager
A: I appreciate all that I have learned from this relationship. I meditate on my growth and how it might serve me moving forward. I make intentional models of each of these lessons to serve as my guide toward my future self.
R: I take my life in a different direction.

Looking forward to your input. 🙂