Model Practice — Today’s Schedule

Good morning!

I’ll start with my thought download:
I don’t want to do my stuff today. There’s so much recycling, but I just don’t want to do it. I’m crabby from being wakened early. I don’t want to visit with Friend or clip her dogs’ nails. I just want to take care of the recycling and be done with it and get back home. And work on the divorce paperwork. And my studio project. Too much to do. I’m getting overwhelmed and frustrated and crabby.

C: There’s recycling, divorce paperwork, and my studio project on my schedule today.
T: I don’t want to do any of it.
F: Resistant
A: procrastinate, pout, resent Friend, get distracted, get impatient, take it out on those around me
R: I don’t enjoy my day or appreciate my accomplishments.

C: There’s recycling, divorce paperwork, and my studio project on my schedule today.
T: It’s important to me to do these things.
F: Trusting
A: I honor my schedule. I remind myself why these things are important to me. I flow with the Universe.
R: I appreciate myself for taking care of business. I enjoy a more spacious and tidy home. I am closer to divorcing Husband and living on my own. I build integrity with myself.

Any other ideas?
Thanks! 🙂