Model question

I still have questions to really get the model…
To work with thought creation:

I use R as my goal or objective or the thing I want (most helpful if very specific?- could even by sub goal?)
and A as the actions I take to obtain R
and then T’s create F’s that motivate me to take action?

I did these three upside down.
C-Me and Dog running
R- Run a 10K with my dog next May
A-Create and study a run/walk program, starting July 3, practice with a run/walk program twice a week, first at the gym and then include run/walking at the trail, increasing the run/walk ratio – put the times to go to the gym and to the trail on a schedule
F- joyous and thrilled and free and committed
T- I am getting to run with my dog and this is so exciting to me. It is so healthy and fun.

C-Me and Weight

R- Comfortably weigh and maintain 147 pounds by April 15 2018
A-Follow my eating protocol starting June 26, plan eating at least one day before, stop most buffering June 26, work with SCS thought/feeling protocol daily
F- Relief and commitment to actions and excited anticipation of a healthy fit body. Feeling unified with myself. Peace. Joy.
T- I am getting to finally let go of weight issues and I get to just comfortably be in my healthy fit 147 pound body.

C-Me and Muscles/Fitness

R- Begin to see strength improvement by October 1st 2017, and muscle tone will be visually apparent in early 2018 as my weight loss continues
A-Follow my full body fitness program starting June 26 with my personal trainer and trust that he will gradually increase the difficulty to help me meet my goals. Show up. Put times in schedule. Include my own abs and mat work out 2x week at the gym. Put this time in the schedule. At the appropriate time, I will then drill down, and continue to work on weight protocol as I improve and learn more about the process, with a goal of being a fit and muscly 70 year old. .
F- Commitment to actions and excited anticipation of a healthy fit body for my 60’s and 70’s
T- I am getting to become strong and fit and am preparing myself to age with fitness and body enjoyment.