Model Starting With an Action

Hello, can you please review this model and what is my next step to start to change my “last minute” attitude for every aspect of my life

C Preparation packing bags for school tour
T This is my fault, I left preparation to the last minute once again
F stressed out
A I was yelling at the kids to move on & to look for empty bottles of water, running everywhere, was complaining, even blaming the kids that they are always losing their water bottle, rushing throwing things in each bag, not listening to the kids
R all of us had a horrible start on this special day

Where do I go from there?
I was thinking last night that if I do not prepare the bags now (yesterday evening), it will turn out to chaos on the morning which happens.  But I convinced myself that it will not happen this time after a good night sleep, and I was too tired to do it right now.