models- done correctly?

Unintentional Model

C: Asked son-in-law for survey for an appt. tomorrow I have with architect for his new house and he replied, “I’m not ignoring you but I can’t think about this until tomorrow.”
T: He doesn’t appreciate what I do for him and my daughter.
F. devalued
A: get angry
R: I think he still doesn’t appreciate me and angry with him

Intentional Model:
C: Asked son-in-law for survey for an appt. tomorrow I have with architect for his new house and he replied, “I’m not ignoring you but I can’t think about this until tomorrow.
T: He is busy at work and I really know he appreciates all I do by the way he treats me when I am with him and will probably call me tonight and send survey.
A: wait to see if he responds and keep appt with architect or if not I will cancel the appt.
R: Its true he has a very demanding job, I truly feel he appreciates me and will most likely call me tonight.

Models on Drinking Urges

Unintentional Model

C: Not drinking on a Monday
T: I’m fighting an urge to drink and I don’t know if I should or not
F- uncomfortable
A- make excuses for why I should drink and then drink
R- give into the urge and be angry and feel hopeless

Intentional Model

C: Not drinking on a Monday
T-I’m feeling and urge to drink and if I don’t drink one its more step in helping to extinguishing urges
F- uncomfortable
A- lean into the urge, don’t drink
R- urge will pass and I will not have to feel angry and hopeless, but productive

Unintentional Model

C- urge to drink
T- I can’t figure out why I want to drink as I experience the urges
F- restless
A- no action
R- urge feels like resisting

C- urge to drink
T- I will allow the urge
F– uncomfortable
A- pay attention to body vibes and feelings
R- allow the urge and figure out why I’ uncomfortable

Unintentional Model

C- uncomfortable urge
T- Change is hard resulting in cognitive dissonance
F- discouraged, failure
A-give into the urge
R- drink, not change, dull senses from alcohol, quit

C- uncomfortable urge
T- Nothing in life that is worthwhile is easy
F- encouraged
A- allow the urge, notice I am hungry, eat some fruit
R- my dedication to working on myself will bring me so much contentment and peace of mind.

Thanks, R