Moderating Difficult Conversations

Hi Brooke,

Angelique here hoping you can help with a situation that I am approaching at work.

I will be leading a conversation between two coworkers that haven’t gotten along for over a year and their attempts at resolution on their own have not worked. (Think: bandaid over gushing blood … pointless, messy, and disgustingly unhelpful.)

As an HR professional I have led this type of conversation before and not uncomfortable to lead it but instead of the typical corporate methods I’ve used before, I’d like to try your process outlined in podcast 166, “Difficult Conversations”. What is the best approach to do this when I’m leading, rather than participating, in the conversation? Does each person say their story, then the facts, then their one sentence and then the next or do you go back and forth on each of these steps for each person? (I assume alternating may make it more confusing.) Any advice you can provide on trying this method at work would be helpful. Thanks so much!