Mom critical of past weight issues

Hi, I am very happy with the success I’ve had in losing 35 pounds over the past 7 months. The challenge I’m having is that my mom references my past weight often when we talk and I’m really getting tired of having her continue to compare now vs. then. I was all ready to sit her down and tell her that I’m happy where I am right now and don’t really need her constant questions about what has changed, but now realize that I’m trying to change the C.

Unintentional model.
C: Mom says, “Do you feel differently since you’ve lost the weight? Do you feel less dumpy?”
T: Mom is obsessed with my previous weight.
F: Insulted
A: Say “Dumpy?!?” Express surprise, knowing that this is the word my dad (who recently passed) once used with her. Wonder if she’s projecting her issues on me, when she quickly defends with, “Well that was the word your dad used.”
R: ?I am obsessed with my weight?

Intentional model
C: Mom says, “Do you feel differently since you’ve lost the weight? Do you feel less dumpy?”
T: Mom spends a lot of time thinking about everyone’s weight.
F: ?Detached?
A: Say, “I never really did feel dumpy.” Move on. Accept that she is 82 and I can’t change her. Revel in my new body regardless of how anyone else feels.
R: I don’t spend time thinking about her thoughts about my weight? or… I don’t spend time thinking about my previous weight?