My first Colonoscopy

Hi Coaches!

I have my first colonoscopy coming up and every time I mention it to someone, I get a response that’s somewhere along the lines of, “OH IT”S THE WORST THING.” And now I’ve been taking that on so I’m working on a couple of models. Look, I do not expect to get to the place where the emotion I feel is excitement, but I’d like to get to something better than Dread, which is where I am living right now. Thanks for any guidance.

C Colonoscopy is March 9th
T It’s going to be a terrible process
F Dread
A Overthink, Worry, Obsess
R I make it a terrible process

C Colonoscopy is March 9th
T I’m doing something good to take care of my body
F Self-Care (is that an emotion? Maybe it’s more Compassion for my Body)
A Do the Prep and get on with it
R I take care of my body (? it’s the same as. the thought?)

I’m not sure about the second one. It feels like a bit of a leap. In any case, thank you!