My food protocol is boring

Dear Coaches,
I’ve been trying to make my food protocol as simple and easy to prepare as possible. I’m mostly using frozen vegetables and rice, packaged beans or lentils, and avocado. And I’ve been adding some different seasonings to make it a little more interesting. Every few days I scrap the whole plan because I’m bored. I’m tired of eating the same thing. So then I go out to eat or get a salad from the grocery store. While I don’t go too crazy off the protocol, I can see that I’m not keeping my word to myself and following my plan. I seem to have two conflicting thoughts about this. #1. I think my food should be interesting and entertaining, which seems to be a thought error. It should be fuel for my body. So I should work on this thought and allowing urges to eat off protocol. vs. #2. I’m being really hard on myself by thinking I can eat the same thing day after day. I might change my protocol so 4 nights a week I eat like this but 3 nights a week I get dinner (still on protocol) from the salad bar. I think your answer might be – if both options worked out perfectly, which would I choose and why and then do I like my reasons? Any comments or suggestions would be great. Thank you.