"My husband drove my son out"

Looking for input on my models below. Also, how do I process hate? I think it’s hate? It’s like resentment, but stronger. It feels like an unacceptable emotion.

C My 16-year-old son moved out over a month ago.
T My husband drove my son out.
F hate 🙁
A pick on small actions that my husband does, look irritated, didn’t follow my work schedule, buffered (reading news and online shopping, ate a pint of Haagen Dazs, drank more than I planned), people please husband, look for evidence that he is an asshole
R ?

C My 16-year-old son moved out over a month ago.
T We are just doing the best we can {trying for a ladder thought here}
F loving
A stop buffering, process my feelings, stop people pleasing, tell the truth, stop looking for evidence that he is an asshole
R do the best I can ?

Thanks in advance for your help.