My Potential

I listened to Kara’s coaching call with the lady who had an unintentional model of ‘not living up to my potential.’

I experience this model as well and it makes me not show up to the things I relate with my potential (to be a full-time and successful writer).

Unintentional Model:

C: The potential to be a writer
T: I don’t live up to my potential
F: Disappointed, ashamed
A: Buffer, procrastinate, postpone writing
R: Indeed, I don’t live up to my potential

Intentional Model

C: The potential to be a writer
T: I do live up to my potential
F: Content
A: Be relaxed, and at ease
R: I am still not a writer, i.e. I don’t live up to my potential

While I see that the unintentional thought creates an unwanted result, it seems that if I will be able to believe and switch it to ‘I do live up to my potential’ then it will cause me to be content with where I am at and not change anything, so either way I end up not living up to my potential (of being a writer).

Would love your help on this one.