Need Help Getting Back On Track

I just finished re-watching the first urge jar call because it is SO GOOD. Thank you for doubling down on new weight loss materials. This is coming to me at the perfect time, as my weight loss has slowed and I’ve been giving into urges, really, for the first time since I started this process in November (I’ve lost 41 lbs!!!). I’d like your feedback on whether you think I got the right take-aways from that call. 1) I’m not yet ready to change the timeline for my impossible goal (115 lbs by 12/31/19), but I am going to change the thought I am trying to program to shift my focus away from the timeline and onto the real goal – to get good at experiencing discomfort. My thought for March was “I will reach 115 lbs, in a healthy and sustainable way, by 12/31/19. New thought is, “I am getting good at being uncomfortable!” 2) I found it helpful to know I can plan for food I “know” I’m going to eat ahead of time, to help regain my own trust. I added cheesecake to the meal plan for Sunday, even though I responded to an urge last night, and am having my planned weekly exception meal tomorrow. Is this indulgent? Misinformed? 3) As I was revising and drafting my meal plan for the next few days, I could see that I have A LOT of anxiety building, both out of a sense of deprivation from my thoughts about being “locked” into a plan, and also because I’m afraid if I don’t plan enough food or things that have been off-protocol for me, I will cheat. It’s diet brain, for sure! Can I help resolve this by shifting my attention off the weight loss and onto regaining my trust, even if I am eating planned but “off-protocol” foods to do it? Thank you in advance!