Need help on model about how people get to behave how they want and negative effect on me

I’m new to scholars and have listened to the overview and how people get to behave however they want. What I need help is with is when other people’s actions or behavior causes a negative effect for me. I think I have manual for strangers to be considerate and I don’t know what to do about it. When people walk their dogs (when we are not home) and let them do their business on my lawn and I have to clean it up. We do not own a dog so I know it is not me but I have to clean it up due to their behavior and how they get to behave how they want …. Another example – yesterday someone double parked and blocked my car in at the restaurant. This caused me to be late from lunch and caused me to get into a little trouble at work. I need help bridging some thoughts to a new model.
C- Stranger double parked and blocked me in. and caused me to be late coming back from lunch
T – what an inconsiderate person
F – frustrated
A- when got back to work had candy to buffer from my frustration
Thank you.