Need help with a few models

Hi, I find it easy to identify the Unintentional Model, but more difficult to get the Intentional Model fleshed out. I could use help with these two.
Context: My partner and I are going to Florida to visit his estranged father who is 95 years old and has a power of attorney that has been spending his VA benefits. There are some legal issues we need to deal with that I foresee as being challenging.
Unintentional Model
C: Trip to Florida
T: I hope it’s not a disaster
F: Apprehensive
A: Try to control
R: Unpleasant and stressful

Intentional Model
C: Trip to Florida
F: hopeful

Context: I’d like to get up early enough to do my thought download & models and exercise before work, get to work on time, so I can leave work on time to get home and do what needs to be done, so I can go to bed on time, rinse and repeat.
Unintentional Model
C: Work week schedule
T: I’m late, again
F: Failure
A: Beat myself up
R: Don’t get results I want

Intentional Model
C: Work week schedule
R: I’m able to fit it all in