Need help

Hi Brooke,
This is my current situation:
We were living in a beautiful rental unit and the landlord broke the lease saying, she wanted to sell.
We had to move out quickly and that meant we took the best place we could find in such short notice. The new unit cost $700.00 a month more and the bills keep pouring in.Comcast, deleted our account, then put us on a contract, of course nothing is working and all this needs to be fixed- which takes time. Our realtor keeps calling, telling us to buy/built a new house and do it now!
We are locked into a year lease and haven’t even unpacked.
I feel tired.
Everything is in chaos.
Where do I start with this?
Current Model
C New Rental
T I don’t want to be here – this is unfair
F Like a guest – it doesn’t feel like home
A Exhaustion, so much to do
R Arguments, annoyed
I can’t come up with a believable new model. I don’t even know where to start.
Thank you!