Niche Clarity

HI Brooke,

I hope to be admitted to your training in 2018 and really would like to have a niche nailed down. All along, I thought I would want some type of weight loss niche but I am still struggling with my own weight loss and although I could get there by next year, I’m not confident in that yet. I just lost my 97 year old grandfather a few weeks ago and buried him yesterday. I lived with him for 5 years and towards the end dealt with lots of challenges with caregiving and dealing with nursing home staff. I currently care for my mom as well and also took care of my dad until he died 2 years ago. Today I read a post on Facebook that my friend was dealing with her ailing mother and all that goes with that and the family dynamics. My brain started flooding with all kinds of resources I could give someone for free and how to manage their thoughts through such a tough process. I also have experience with being a hospice volunteer, plus dealing with veteran’s benefits. My whole mindset got excited and confident when before i was questioning my decision to be a coach because I wasn’t sure of my niche. So what’s my question?

So I am surely overthinking this but before I found your podcast and ultimately scholars, I was looking for a life with no negative emotion and I wanted to quit my job from a negative place. I lived in a way where I just fell into my next job or stage of life without really trying. Now, I want to be more deliberate in my thinking and actions and just want to make sure that I’m not taking the easy way out. I don’t believe I am – I know entrepreneurship is a tough gig and this will require massive action outside my comfort zone. But it’s the first time I’ve felt confident and excited about a niche. Talking about caregiving doesn’t excite me – the thought of helping people through what I just struggled with does. I am already thinking of free value I could provide and where I could find clients through connections I have.

So my niche would be adult women aged 40+ taking care of their aging parents, specifically contemplating placing their parent in a nursing facility or keeping them at home, looking at hospice options, and managing all of the difficulty that can come with that – family dynamics, burnout, self-care, depression, grief, etc. They may have children as well so they fall into the caring for their children and parents at the same time. How does this sound?
