Niche and coaching without certification

Hi Brooke!
This is my first month in scholars and I’m loving it. Thank you so much for all of the value you have packed into this $10 Mercedes!!!!!

I am currently a full time high school teacher transitioning to becoming a coach. My goal for November is to define my niche and begin to build my first program for my coaching business. I was deciding between weight loss coaching (I’m doing your Stop Overeating Program and I’ve lost 10 of my 60 pounds already) or dating coaching (I am divorced and dated for 3 years before meeting my man–who proposed to me last weekend! So he’s now my fiance! Hurray!) I have decided on dating coaching as I feel confident I can help women with this problem tremendously. I have no doubt that I will be an outstanding coach, and I am 100% committed to doing the work (self-coaching, building on my best asset (my brain), and selling my assets).

I have two questions related to my transition to becoming a coach.
1. I have been working this morning on defining my niche. I am wondering if this is specific enough:
Professional, well-educated/smart, divorced moms over 40 who want to get remarried and are open to online dating.
I am specifically wondering if “well educated” should be “smart” instead, and is this more important than “professional.” I know that your work resonates with me strongly because you are SMART and I love your book title If I’m So Smart Why Can’t I Lose Weight. I had that exact thought for YEARS before I found your work. So, I believe I can in particular help women who are smart.

My second question is about certification. I am on the waitlist for your coaching certification in September 2018, but I doubt I’ll make it (Kim says there are hundreds on the waitlist). I don’t want to wait for 2019 to become certified, yet I don’t want to get certified by anyone else. Do you think being in SCS for a year, with diligent work, commitment to self-coaching, focus, and results, provide me with enough training in order to start a coaching practice? I would then get certified in 2019 if I am accepted into the program? Alternatively, do you think any other programs are worth it (I assume you don’t–I’m sure yours is the best!)

Thank you again!