Niche help

Hi Brooke, I am a huge fan of your work! Thank you for all that you do.

I am a Family Nurse Practitioner and Life Coach, and I practice holistic/integrative medicine in NYC. I’m looking for your help with niching: I am looking to combine my loves – medicine and coaching into one Signature Offering, as you suggest, and to do so, am looking to niche so I can take my practice to the next level.

I love practicing medicine and am passionate about all things digestive/gastrointestinal: IBS, bacterial imbalances, chronic candida, constipation/diarrhea, and also love working with all those things that stem from gut imbalances: fatigue, depression/anxiety, thyroid troubles, autoimmunity and the list goes on.

While I love practicing medicine, I LOVE LOVE life coaching. It’s amazing to see folks completely transform their lives by changing their thoughts. I’ve been getting a lot of folks with codependence, lousy boundaries, control issues and love working with them, and of course love working with folks with complex gut or other medical issues, to identify and shift the stories connected to their health

I would love your help on narrowing down my niche to include both medical care and life coaching. I’ve done all the avatar work, and feel like I know who my ideal client is… I’m just getting stuck around exactly how to frame my niche/solution and what my catchy tag line should be. Thanks for your help!