Night snack

Hi Brooke! My goal for this month has been to NOT binge and so far so good. I was doing well emotionally with the concept of fasting for a few hours after I wake, eat lunch, eat dinner and then have fruit at night….hours after dinner. I was doing this for 2 weeks and it was working well and I was losing weight. Then I heard on your webnar that it’s not a good idea to have any snacks….I was only having fruit so I didn’t think it was a problem but last week I typed in a question in the overeating Q&A regarding this and your answer put me in a slight panic. You said that I was Having the snack for comfort and I somewhat agree. I look forward to it and relax watching tv when I have it. So I took your advice and for the last few nights I have the fruit at dinner instead of later as a snack but for some reason it has caused me anxiety and I am eating much more at dinner now because I know I won’t be able to have anything later..and the weight loss has seemed to halt….I feel much more focused on eating more at dinner now…….I’m THINKING I want to go back to having the fruit separately later after dinner because I felt less focused on food AND I was losing weight BUT I don’t want to sabatage my success. Thank you for your thoughts on this…..kerry