No exercise plan

I currently grab my time for exercise as it comes up and don’t plan my workouts in advance. I tell myself it’s because I’m using that time for other things: morning centering practice (30 min), getting kids ready for the day (45 min), work (5-6 hours), watching the kids (4 hours), tidying up the house (1 hour), practicing piano (45 min), etc. Those things feel more important to me, and seem to take up the majority of the day (even though the hours above don’t add up). In the past when I prioritized exercise, I would do it first thing and not make as much progress with my business building activities or leave out my spiritual practice.

So I’m telling myself that taking an hour a day to exercise and planning it would mean I’d have to give up one of the other things I love or ask my wife for more help with the kids, which I don’t want to do because I think we’re already sharing the responsibility quite evenly.

Any insights would be appreciated!