"No Feeling" Question…

Ok, I’m in the middle of this experience – so I’ll try to describe it, because it’s a hair fascinating and I’d like to figure it out. I am working on a project that I’m resistant to finish. It’s 99% finished. I’ve done models on it (probably buffering by over-doing models) and I have a pretty clear (logical) grasp of what I’m thinking and why I’m resisting it. Today, I’ve been distracting with gum, a little snack of an apple and almonds, a little social media, and more gum. A LOT more gum. So on my way to the gum in the kitchen for the 6th time, I stopped and said “Okay, I’m just going to sit in my office and figure out what I’m feeling”. So I sat there, looking at my laptop screen, awaiting any emotion – and nothing is appearing. Now – my thought is… “I don’t want to work on this” … so in asking “Why”, I get “Because what if it doesn’t work?” – and then the mind makes up all of the wonderful stories. “If this doesn’t work, you’ll fail so hard your great-great-great grandkids will all be labeled losers.” Which is a lie. If this fails, I have like a million more attempts. And all signs point to “success”, not “failure” anyway. So… it’s been an entertaining situation. Logical brain says “You’re being stupid. You know this will all work out.” and emotional brain says “WTF! Don’t you get it? DEATH IS IMMINENT! CHEW GUM, DAMMIT!” But what’s weird is that there’s not really a corresponding feeling. Just like a little robotic urge to get up, get gum, chew, read social media, spit out gum, get up, get gum, chew, read social media, etc. Are there times when there’s no real “emotion” to feel when resistence like this occurs. I’m not feeling actual terror or fear – but I do feel that there’s resistence. Like a force field between myself and my laptop. Or is this type of “force field” resistence the feeling? I know I’ll prevail (because I have before) – but this is a common occurrence right BEFORE I start a new project and right BEFORE I’m about to finish it – so it’d be nice to unpack this or get some insight onto why this resistence is so powerful – when I don’t think I feel a corresponding powerful emotion that I’m diverting from. Thoughts?