No gift on Valentines day

I recognize that this circumstance is trivial but I am making it mean that I am not lovable which is not trivial! This is a model that comes up regularly. My model is
C: No gift on valentines day
T: I’m not worth buying a gift for
F: Unlovable
A: Annoyed, quiet, uncommunicative, add to my mental list of evidence that I’m not worth buying a gift for
R: I am not lovable and I don’t love myself

Some bridging thoughts are:-
C: No gift on valentines day
T: I am figuring out how to make this be a neutral circumstance
T: It’s possible that this doesn’t mean that I am not lovable
T: It’s possible that I am capable of loving myself as other people truly love themselves (eg Brooke)
T: It’s possible that I could love myself one day
T: I am working hard to figure out how I could love myself one day

I would like to get to the result that I truly love myself, do you have any suggestions about how I can get there?

Thank you!