Not good at storytelling

Hi Brooke and team,

can you help me refine my model from today’s thought download?

C Talking with friends
T I’m not good at storytelling
F Incompetent
A Self-criticism, avoid to tell sth about my life, listen and ask more when they tell sth about their life
R No space for me, no opportunity to practice and grow, stick to my thought

It seems that I have a thought or believe system that there is a right way of storytelling, a compelling one, that I’m not capable of. I tried the following intentional model:

C Talking with friends
T I’m storytelling in my own style and that’s perfectly fine
F Confident
A Tell sth about my life, experiment, take space
R My stories got told?

Thing is, I don’t feel that my own style of storytelling is okay. How would you approach this?

Thanks for your help!