Not loving myself enough

Hi, I am listing here a couple of models that are very similar one to the other. I feel they are crucial to move forward in my path, at the same time it seems like I am ending up with some kind of circular reasoning. Do you think they are ok, would you help refine them and maybe suggest some inputs on how to move from here? Thanks


C: relationship with my body image today

T: I need to have this changed

F: hurry

A: [what do I do/dont do from this T] Try to make the change tangible = try to create evidences/tangible proofs in my body that I have a new relationship with it / a new way of loving it (by eating and exercising with hurry)

R: I have my body composition not at the equilibrium


C: my own way of showing self love

T: I do not love myself enough

F: shame (I am obtuse if I cant do or dont do it)

A: beat myself up

R: Don’t love myself


C: my own way of showing self love

T: I do not love myself enough

F: scarcity

A: dont show up self loving choices (it is pointless since T is true)

R: Don’t show self love

C: my own way of showing self love

T: I have to love myself more otherwise I’ll keep overeating, put on fat, waste my life

F: hurry

A: try to prove with my actions that the self-loving thing is fixed

R: My brain will ends up telling me that whatever I did, I did it rushing from hurry, and that is not self love
