Not wanting to -lp

I want to make sure I’m doing these right. Im trying to make sure I make a decision to lead the organization of a conference from a reason that I like. So far, I am judging the worthiness of my reason not to do it. My default response is to people please and say yes and I also am thinking that I should change my desire to do it using the model. Am I confusing this? I feel like there might be more to this that I’m not seeing.

C: boss asked me to lead conference
T: I should want to but I don’t want to
F: conflicted
A: doubt my reasons for not wanting to, worry what my boss will think, say yes, try to change my mind to want to do it
R: I’m judging myself and end up doing things I don’t want to do

C: “
T: I should want to
F: obligated
A: say yes
R: I do things I don’t want to do

C: boss asked me to lead conference
T: I shouldn’t want to because I don’t want to and maybe that’s okay
F: curious
A: make sure it’s okay
R: still undecided